1970 Austin America
1970 Austin America
Image Copyright Todd
The Austin America was a
special version of British Leyland's two-door Austin 1300 Mk2.
Approximately 59,500 of them were made exclusively for export to the
U.S.A., Canada, and Switzerland. They were sold from 1968 to 1971. In
the U.S.A., the Americas were intended to compete directly with the highly
successful VW Beetle and throughout the sales, the marketing campaign
advertised them as, "The perfect second car." Designed by Sir Alec
Issigonis, famed BMC designer for the Morris Minor and Mini, with bodywork
designed by famous Italian automotive design firm Pinanfarina. The
Americas, like their fellow 1100/1300's in the UK, debuted Dr. Alex
Moulton's revolutionary new Moulton Hydrolastic pressurized liquid and
rubber suspension system.
The Americas had a transverse mounted 1275cc 4cyl. engine. They were front wheel drive through either a 4spd. manual or a 4spd. automatic transmission. Both transmissions were in the engine sump and ran in the engine oil. The optional automatic was unique in that it could be shifted manually through all 4 forward gears or left in drive as a regular automatic. This ingeniously designed and engineered car, along with its predecessor, the Mini, sparked the world wide trend toward the now common place front wheel drive compact family sedan. The Americas are now very rare and probably fewer than 100 are still on the road in the U.S. today. Please visit my Austin America website at www.austinamericausa.com for more information on these fantastic little cars and their variants. Todd's Austin America Web Site |
Books Standard Catalog of Imported Cars 1946-2002 This is the only book that completely lists accurate technical data for all cars imported into the U.S. market from 1946-2002. From the grandiose European carriages of the late Forties to the hot, little Asian imports of the Nineties, every car to grace American roadways from across the Atlantic and Pacific is carefully referenced in this book. Accurate, current pricing for all models in up to 6 grades of condition. 8 ½ x 11, 992 pages, 1500 b&w pictures |
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